[Solution] OBDSTAR Tools Register Problems & Solutions

OBDSTAR Tools, some customer has register problem, this article share some common registration issues and solutions


1. Error 899 – Incorrect Username or Password:


Solution: If registration wasn’t completed successfully, you should attempt to register your device once more, ensuring all details are correctly entered.


2. Error 893 – Username Already Registered

Solution: Choose a different username and try registering again. This error occurs when the selected username is already in use.


3. Error 812 – Unregistered:

Solution: This error typically arises from entering an incorrect dealer code. Use the dealer code “0086A002” for registration.


4. Error – Abnormal Network Connection:

Solution: This could be due to server maintenance or network issues. If the OBDSTAR server is undergoing maintenance, try registering later. Alternatively, switch to a more stable network connection if the server is operational but the issue persists.


5. Issue – Device Registered but Software Download Fails:

Solution: Wait a few minutes before attempting the download again. If the problem continues, try changing your network connection.


6. Error 876 – Product Not Registered for Sale:

Solution: Contact customer service with your device’s serial number. They will coordinate with an OBDSTAR engineer for manual activation. Following this, you can attempt registration again with the correct dealer code.


8. Error 843 – None Product:



If your device hasn’t been registered, ensure to complete the registration process and log in.

If the error occurs due to an incorrect username, make sure you’re entering the correct username.


9. Error – Abnormal Configuration Quantity:


Solution: Attempt a one-key update. If this fails, clear the DP (Data Processing) information from your device and try updating once more.


These solutions aim to address common registration challenges, ensuring users can effectively navigate and resolve any issues that arise during the setup of their OBDSTAR tools.

If problems persist, please contact our customer service sales@obdstar.co.uk or whatsapp: +86 13983755934 for help





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