FAQs & Answers for Obdstar X300 DP Plus

Obdstar X300 DP Plus is a new Android-based vehicle trouble diagnostic device developed for internet applications. Here’re some questions & answers from our visitors or clients who are interested in Obdstar key master DP Plus Key Programmer.

Q: Does X300 DP Plus support full-unlocked function?
A: It supports some cars for unlocking. The device will show this option if it has the function.

Q: Does X300 DP Plus support 2016-2021 Toyota/Lexus all key lost (H and G chip)?
A: It supports all G chip cars, but as for H chip, it only supports Middle East and the US cars.

Q: Can x300dp support Ford Fiesta 2008 to do key programming?
A: Yes, it can.

Q: I’ve read the function list and X300 DP plus supports 2018 Chevrolet Silverado (the US). Can it program fob keys?
A: Yes, it can.

Q: OBDSTAR key master DP Plus and Xtool X100 PAD, which one is more suitable and useful for me? I’m a locksmith from Europe.
A: If you’re a locksmith, choose the former.

Q: Can X300DP program keys and correct mileage for 2006 Rexton?
A: It doesn’t support code reading and IMMO for all key lost.

Mileage Correction, Diagnosis, Special Functions:
Q: Will x300 dp plus work on 2013 Citroen c4 for gearbox learning?
A: Sorry, I’m afraid not.

Q: Does X300dp plus support 2015 ford Mustang mileage adjustment?
A: It does.

Q: Can x300dp plus read pin code for Jeep Cherokee 2019 Vin 1C4PJMDXOKD385436?
A: If you live in the US or Canada, then it can.

Q: Is OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS able to perform DSG data reading for Audi?
A: No, it isn’t.

Q: X200 Pro will this work for service reset on 2015 maserati ghibli deisel? Thanks. How about x300 dp plus?
A: Both support service reset for this model.

Q: Does it work on 2007 Ford Ranger?
A: Sorry, it doesn’t.

Q: Will X300DP Plus clear fault codes for 2004 Hyundai Elantra XD?
A: Sorry, this model isn’t supported.

Q: Does obdstar x300 dp plus support 2012 Mitsubishi lancer key programming?
A: Sorry, it doesn’t.

Q: ODO supports 2018 RANGE ROVER SPORT?
A: It only supports RANGE ROVER SPORT Full LCD models.

Q: Does it work on 2007 Ford Ranger?
A: Sorry, it doesn’t.

Other questions:
Q: I want to know if my x300 dp plus is full version?
A: You can check in the personal center under home page.

Q: I charged the device with a wrong charger, and it couldn’t open now. Has the mainboard been burnt? If I’d like to replace the mainboard, should I also replace the battery?
A: Maybe it’s burnt. But you’d better not fix it by yourself. Return it to the depot if you’re not sure which part needs to be replaced.



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